Map of Uganda

Map of Uganda
The Uganda Kampala Mission includes Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi and Southern Sudan. Our assignment covers all the areas except Ethiopia.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Quest for water in Uganda

In the United States we take clean drinkable water for granted. All we have to do is turn on the tap and fill up our glass. Only 62 percent of the 30 million Ugandans have access to safe water and 60% have access to adequate sanitation; the lowest rates in the world. Only 8% have electricity. The facts are startling: approximately 300 million Africans are without access to safe drinking water and 313 million are without appropriate access to sanitation. The water in our clean, modern apartment is only safe to drink if run through a filtration system. It can be used for bathing only if bleach is added. Most Ugandans have to haul water from a source some distance from their house.

1 comment:

Elaine Whiting said...

Thank you for the pictures and the facts about the people in Africa. It has certainly given me a lot to think about and be grateful. Thank you for being willing to serve these people.

Brent and Elaine

"Everything must have a beginning"

"Everything must have a beginning"
Children at an orphanage in Entebbe, Uganda. There are so many children here it is incredible; there are orphans everywhere. The people take them in and it is not unusual to see families struggling with 8-10 children. We talked to a woman yesterday who has taken in twelve children. She said, "sometimes I feel sad that I cannot do more, but everything must have a beginning". We have decided to use that as our personal reminder to guide our actions here as we try to help.