We recently concluded a project to supply 100 piglets, maize seed and cassava cuttings for planting, and 250 blankets for needy children in the villages of Senyi, Degeya and Namiryango. We also provided building materials to construct a breeding center in the main village. Each family received a pig which they will raise and breed. They will then give one of the first female piglets born to another family until all of the 350 families have a pig.

Elaine’s skill as a “pig handler” was readily apparent to all at the hand-over ceremony. In fact, one of the reporter’s video of a “Muzungu” holding a pig made prime time news on the local T.V. station. These are villages where many of the orphans from the war in the North have been placed with widows and families. Some of the widows are raising 3-4 orphaned children. All of these were given a blanket.

They were all excited to receive their new possession. During the rainy season, nights here are very chilly since many children in the villages sleep on the ground.

We have another project in the community of Kagoma, which is a large village. The project is another livestock-sharing venture with a group of 90 women who are living with HIV/AIDS. Each woman receives a pregnant cow and then shares the calf, when it is delivered, with another woman. We supplied the initial 12 cows to start the process.

The women are divided in groups of 5 to care for the cow in the event that one is sick and cannot care for it. They all work together as they will receive the calves from this cow.

Like everywhere in Uganda, there are many children in the village. We are also supplying 300 blankets and mosquito nets for them.

In the Kamuli District we have a major water project underway. A total of 20 new boreholes will be drilled and 25 broken wells rehabilitated. This project has been going ever since we have been here. This was one of the first boreholes drilled. The boreholes are fenced by the villagers to keep out the animals. The limbs used for fencing then sprout to provide shade. Children spend many hours here collecting water.

The project also provided concrete latrine slabs so that people could build a structure and dig their own latrines. We toured the area to make sure this was being done. Since Art was the photographer, Elaine became the designated “latrine inspector”… a duty she will gladly relinquish when we leave.

You may notice that latrines in Africa lack something that is considered a basic essential in America...like a seat!
Part of the project is to provide a rain water harvesting system and tank for 16 schools. These systems can supply about 25% of the school’s water needs.

An interesting structure in the villages is their home made stove which is quite inventive. It is made from a mixture of cow manure and dirt from termite mounds. This mixture when it dries forms a substance like fire brick. The stoves are in a separate structure from the main hut. The flue for the stove vents outside and is constructed by using a large banana stalk which is plastered with the mixture. When it dries, the stalk is collapsed and pulled out, leaving the flue. The stoves use very little wood and are quite efficient. When they are being used, there is virtually no smoke in the cooking hut.

This is one of the “bathing huts” complete with soap holder.

As is the case everywhere, we found a collection of beautiful kids eager to have their picture taken.

Our next project takes us into the realm of “chicken ranching” but that is a different story so we’ll report on that venture later. For now, we’ll just be working on our chicken roping skills. Until then…